Are you starting up a committee to organize a school reunion?
This is a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with old classmates, see long-lost acquaintances as adults, and share stories from your glory days.
However, creating clever class reunion ideas can take time and effort. While you want to give everyone time to catch up, especially those returning to their hometown for the event, you don’t want it to drag on into boredom.
Instead, plan out a class reunion game or two!
Whether you’re planning your 1st, 5th, or 50th class reunion, these ideas will surely be memorable!
If it’s getting close to the customary reunion year and you haven’t heard anything about preparations, it might be time to take the initiative and begin organizing things on your own.
Organizing a great high school reunion can be a lot of work, so you may want to recruit other classmates to assist you. After all, the hurdles of organizing such a large gathering are rarely depicted in class reunion films. However, with a committee at hand, designating roles and tasks become much more manageable.
Find as many classmates as you can after you’ve settled on the most popular day to get an estimate of how many people will be able to attend. The school office can help with a contact list to help you reach out to as many alums as possible.
Once you have your team and a list of students in place, it’s time to set a date for the party. Start by asking around to your fellow students or setting up a poll on social media. It’s essential to select the reunion date well in advance, considering the distances many attendees will have to travel.
Next, it’s time to choose between the different themes for class reunions. Your theme and color scheme will inspire everything from the invitations to the table settings to the menu. While school colors are traditionally used at reunions, you may also want to decorate with a color that relates to the event’s theme.
Finally, with everything sorted, it’s time to book a spot, organize refreshments, set a price, and send out the invites.
A school reunion is an excellent opportunity to see old friends after what can feel like a lifetime has passed since you last saw them. Here are 20 high school reunion ideas so everyone has a blast while riding a wave of nostalgia:
If you want to throw a class reunion that everyone will remember, come check out everything we offer at Axe Master.
Axe throwing is a fun and unique venue for any reunion. The best part is that we have everything ready for you and enough space to accommodate your party needs. Whatever you can imagine, we can make it a reality for you.
If you’re looking for the best spot for axe throwing in San Antonio, contact us today to start planning your next class reunion!
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